It is undeniable that swimming is a fun activity, especially for children. They can move all their limbs while in the water. They can also play in the water with their friends. In addition, there are several benefits of swimming that children can get.
In addition, swimming can also improve and train coordination and body balance in children. It also trains the lungs and heart to become stronger. That is why swimming is highly recommended for children.
When swimming, make sure the pool water is really clean. And also make sure there is a companion who supervises the safety and comfort of the child while swimming.

In addition, there are a myriad of benefits that can be obtained from swimming activities, especially for children. The benefits of swimming for children are not only physical, but also psychological. Here are 9 (nine) benefits of swimming for children.
1. Build Self-Confidence in Children
By swimming, children will learn to recognize and listen to their own bodies. That way, children will be able to maintain and regulate their body balance while in the water. Children will feel more confident when they succeed in mastering even a light swimming style. And this will also encourage children to continue trying other swimming styles.
2. Train and Strengthen the Lungs and Heart
When the child is in the water, he will be trained to regulate his breathing. This can improve and train the strength of the child’s heart and lungs. Especially if done routinely and regularly. Because swimming is one of the sports that is very good for the lungs and heart.
3. Train and Strengthen Muscles
When moving in the water, it takes twice as much energy to move compared to when outside the water. Because of the pressure of the water. This will train the child to move all of his muscles. The movements in it will help and train the development of the child’s muscles and strength.
4. Improve Children’s Cognitive Function
Swimming is also able to help the development of children’s cognitive functions. The movements made while swimming can affect the development of the corpus brain nerves. This can affect the child’s ability in reading, academics, language and spatial awareness.
5. Better Sleep Quality
When a child swims, he will release a lot of energy. This will make the child eat more heartily and sleep more soundly. And of course it will cause the quality of his sleep to be better.

Those are some of the benefits that children can get when swimming. But of course, a comfortable and safe swimming pool facility is needed for children. So that children can swim comfortably. Sport Center Taman Duta Mas is the most complete sports center, also equipped with swimming pool facilities with guaranteed comfort and safety.